Pizza, Italian Style

A little anecdote this time.

We stayed with some Italians (in Italy) and offered to take them out to dinner to say thank you for their hospitality and great generosity to us.  They said, "Sure, we'll go to our favourite pizza place, it's just around the corner.  We always go there for meals out".  Sounds good to me.

So there we were, Italians in an Italian pizza restaurant in Italy, complete with a very long list of pizza toppings - all the usual ones and a few different combinations of the usual ingredients, but I didn't notice anything especially "whacky".  Imagine our amazement when one of our number was served her favourite - the chip pizza.

A chip pizza is a pizza base with tomato and cheese, completely covered with a layer of chips.  Actual fried potato chips.

Wow. Neither of us had the heart to take a photo, for fear of causing embarrassment, so you'll just have to believe me.

I have had to consider the Saturday lunchtime "macaroni cheese and chips" my mother used to make when I was a kid in a new light.  Maybe not so inauthentic after all!

In fairness to Italians everywhere, I should say that the young lady in question is only 13 years old.  She's also a gymnast of approaching national competition standard, and (needless to say) extremely slim and fit.  Ah, youth!  It's amazing what you can get away with when you're young.  Even so, I suspect her chip pizza days may be numbered.

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe that nobody has picked up that I wrote "their" when I meant "there" in this post. Gaaahhh!! I am so upset by doing this that I think I'll just correct it and hope nobody notices.
