Knot two posts on the same day?

I recently had cause to tie a knot, and the knot I chose was the alpine butterfly.  This knot causes me great joy whenever I am reminded of it, because it's so perfect.  It creates a stable loop which won't tighten up. It is tied "on the bight", meaning you don't need any rope ends to tie it.  When completed, you can pull either end against the loop, or each other, or any combination, and it stays stable. And it doesn't "block"; meaning that you can always undo it, even when it's been under severe load.  And it's very simple and beautiful looking.  And once you know how, it's almost impossible to get it wrong. Of course, other knots have their place, but this one really is a doozy.

Here it is in its resplendent glory:
seen from one side...
...and the other
I think you'll agree it's a handsome piece of work.  And now, of course, I'm going to show you how to tie it.

First you get a bit of rope and twist it twice, as if winding a clock, with your right hand.  It should look like this:

Then you fold the top half down behind, so that it looks like this:

Then you wrap the lowest loop (as seen above) around the cross just above it and push it downwards through the hole in the middle of the pretzel.  If you got your fingers out of the way, it would look like this:

but if fact you push it through until you can pull it right through from the other side.  Congratulations, that's it.  You might like to manipulate the way the bits sit as you tighten it up, to make it into the thing of beauty which its geometry surely deserves, but it works as a knot even if you are so callous as to not bother.

What a knot, eh?

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